
What Shingle Sediment in Gutters Say About Your Roof

Asphalt shingles are protected by a mineral granule layer that enables them to endure the most severe weather conditions. However, the material may lose its granules in some situations, as evidenced by the accumulation of small rock grains or dirt inside your gutter system. 

Shingle Sediment in Gutters

The Great American Roofing Company, a trusted roofing contractor provides additional information regarding asphalt shingle granules in this post, as well as some tips on when you should be concerned about granule loss.

Understanding Shingle Granules

Asphalt shingles have mineral granules embedded in the outside surface. These provide the color of the shingles and protect them from the sun’s UV radiation. They strengthen and protect your roof. Simply explained, it prolongs the life of asphalt shingles.

With sufficient granule coverage, your system can tolerate year-round exposure to the weather. These protecting particles wear off over time. The rain washes them away, and most end up in your gutters. 

What Do Shingle Granules in Gutters Indicate?

  • Your roof has been damaged by hail. The fact is that hailstones can cause damage to your shingles upon hit, causing not just dents and breaks in the material, but also knocking the granules off. When this occurs, the shingles become more susceptible to weather deterioration due to the exposed substrate caused by the granule loss. Prompt inspections and repairs of a hail-damaged roof can help alleviate this hazard.

  • Your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan. Excessive granule loss may signal that your roofing system has reached the end of its useful life. Examine the condition of your roof’s shingles for damage. It may be necessary to replace your roof if your shingles are beginning to look worn or “bald.”

  • Your roof has experienced foot traffic. There is no way around it: your roof will be subjected to some traffic during installation or maintenance. As the roofing crew walks across the surface, they may loosen the granules from the material, which is rinsed down and ends up inside the gutters when it rains. However, this does not always indicate that the shingles have been compromised. Your roof should be good as long as you keep traffic to a minimum.

When Is It Time for a Roof Replacement?

Granule loss of a significant amount can signal that your roof needs to be replaced, especially if it is over 20 years old. If you notice bald spots and sagging regions on your shingles, it’s time to replace them. Additionally, missing shingles, rust in flashings, and soil erosion are classic indicators that it’s time for a new roof.

Is your home plagued by a leaking roof? Simply contact The Great American Roofing Company, the industry’s leading provider of residential and commercial roofing services. Give us a call at (201) 825-2955 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote.