
Roof Care in 2020: 5 Resolutions to Keep

Personal New Year’s resolutions can be difficult to keep for some people. Oftentimes, it involves taking better care of oneself. However, you can apply the same kind of thinking when it comes to the maintenance of your roofing system. In fact, it might be able to help you care for it better than ever.

The trusted residential and commercial roof repair professionals at The Great American Roofing Company shares here five roofing resolutions you should consider keeping this coming 2020.

  1. Resolve to Keep Up With Your Roof’s Regular Inspections – Some homeowners forget to have their roofing systems inspected for an entire year. However, if you want to take better care of your roof for 2020, make sure that you have your roof inspected regularly, either by yourself or with the assistance of professionals. That way, any kind of damage can be spotted immediately.

  1. Resolve to Plan For a Replacement – On the other hand, if your roof has some years behind it, resolve to avoid putting off a replacement project. It might be a costly investment at first, but the savings you’ll earn in avoiding leaks and increasing your home’s energy efficiency will be worth it in the long run.

  1. Resolve to Hire a Reputable Professional – Some homeowners make the mistake of hiring a less than reputable contractor to do some work on their roofing systems, resulting in mistakes that are costly to fix. With that in mind, make hiring a competent roofing company part of your 2020 roofing resolution. To accomplish this, simply be thorough in your background checks and make sure to check a few references such as the Better Business Bureau to see if they’re as trustworthy as they claim to be.

  1. Resolve to Clean Your Roof – Cleaning your roof is an important step in its maintenance. Therefore, be sure to remove old leaves, branches, and other forms of waste to ensure good water flow and reduce the risks of moisture damage in the long run. However, cleaning a roof can sometimes be a hazardous task so make sure to hire a professional to get it done instead.

  1. Resolve to Take Care of Leaks – Leaks can cause many issues for both the roof and your home itself. For instance, not only can it compromise the roof’s structural integrity but it can also encourage mold growth in your home. Both are also costly problems to deal with. With that in mind, make sure to get your roof repaired at the first sign of leaks to avoid these issues in the long run.

Need an expert roofer offering reasonable roof replacement cost? Don’t hesitate to turn to The Great American Roofing Company, your number one provider of residential and commercial roofing services. Give us a call at (201) 515-2007 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote.