
Know More About Your Roofer By Asking These 3 Questions

The last thing a homeowner wants is to start a roofing project unprepared. You’ll want to cover every aspect of your project, which includes hiring a roof repair or replacement contractor who can deliver exceptional service. But how exactly do you know you’ve found the right person for the job? Simple — just ask them a few simple questions.


1. “Are you credentialed?” To ensure your greater protection, your choice of roofer should have the applicable licensing, bond, and insurance, along with significant workers’ compensation and liability coverage. If your roofer tells you they have all of them, don’t forget to ask them to show you. The Great American Roofing Company has all of the necessary qualifications that make us eligible to perform extensive residential and commercial roofing work in the area. We’ll be more than happy to show you proof of our credentials if you need to see them for yourself.

2. “How long have you been in business?” You’ll want to work with a trained and experienced roofing company to eliminate the potential for costly mistakes and unnecessary delays. Choose a roofer who has more than a decade of industry experience, like The Great American Roofing Company. We have served homeowners and business owners in northeastern New Jersey since 1974. They call on us to handle their roof replacement and repairs, and we have never let them down. You’ll know this by the 5-star ratings we continue to earn from satisfied customers.

3. “What manufacturer certification do you have?” Contractors who are serious about providing exceptional roofing service undergo stringent training and testing from top roofing manufacturers. If they pass — even exceed — the requirements, the roofer earns that particular brand’s designation, serving as a badge of honor. The Great American Roofing Company, for instance, is a GAF Certified Master Elite® Roofing Contractor. This allows us to provide you access to some of the toughest, most energy-efficient roofing systems available today, along with the solid warranty coverage included with them.

Schedule a Roof Evaluation

Whether you need a roof leak repaired or want your old roof replaced, The Great American Roofing Company has got you covered. We work hard to deliver the highest quality solutions to all your roofing needs. Call us today at (201) 825-2955, or fill out this contact form to request a roofing quote. We proudly serve homeowners in Upper Saddle River and other areas in northeastern New Jersey.