
Important Things to Do In Case of a Roofing Emergency

The first few hours that follow a storm’s wake are critical and for homeowners with homes damaged by the storm, also the most difficult. Local roofing company The Great American Roofing Company shares a quick guide on how to handle roofing emergencies.

Make Sure Your Family Is Safe

Your family should always be your top priority. Make sure that your family can take shelter within the house while you assess your home’s condition. Check the gas lines and turn off the power if you suspect damage to your house’s electrical lines.

You need to set your expectations that your family will need temporary accommodations in case your roof will require repairs. They can stay with relatives or at a nearby hotel, while pets can be temporarily housed at a local daycare or kennel. At this point, don’t clean anything up, but if you have to, make sure you take photos or video. Your insurance provider will need this later.

Call Your Roofing Contractor and Insurance Provider

Once your family is all set, your first two calls should be to your roofing contractor and insurance provider and your roofing contractor. If your roofing contractor offers emergency repair services, chances are, you’ve already had them install emergency roofing. In any case, they will assess your roof’s condition, determine the work that’s needed to be done, and provide an estimate on the roof replacement cost.

After making an appointment, your insurance provider will send a representative or adjuster, who will independently inspect the condition of your roof. They will ask your roofing contractor for a copy of your roofing estimate and other documentation that will support your insurance claim.

Avoid DIY Repairs

Processing your insurance claim can take as long as a couple of weeks. If you feel the urge to perform roof repairs yourself, don’t; doing your own repairs may complicate or even void your insurance coverage. There’s also the risk of injury, and there’s no guarantee that how long your repair work will last. The cost to correct improper DIY repair work will have to come out of your own pocket.

The Great American Roofing Company is your leading provider of residential and commercial roof repair services. Give us a call at (201) 825-2955 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.