
Here’s Why Your New Roof is Still Leaking

When you have your roof recently repaired or replaced, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about so long as it’s done by a trusted and professional roofer. However, there are some cases where the issue wasn’t solved completely, and this can be due to several factors.

If leaks and issues still happen to be present despite having a recent roof repair, here are a couple of possibilities why:

Problems Are Originating Elsewhere

There’s a possibility that the leaks are coming from somewhere around or within your roofing system. If that’s the case, then it can be more difficult to find where the leaks are coming from, even for experienced contractors. In fact, the problem may not be on your roof alone.

Water Traveled to Other Problematic Areas

Let’s say that the leaks occurred on the left side of your roof and they were repaired, yet the right side is equally problematic but was not addressed. If that’s the case, the water will likely go to the right side and new leaks will appear in that area, and your total roof repair cost will only get higher. To avoid such problems, you need to get your entire roof inspected by a trusted professional when you get it repaired the first time, so that every problem will be spotted and resolved properly.

How to Find the Cause of Your Roof Leak

Sometimes, the places where you notice the leaks don’t actually show where they’re really coming from. This simply means the actual leaking areas are elsewhere in your home, which can be difficult to find. For instance, your contractor may find out that the leak on the corner of your living room is actually due to an issue on your roof in a different area of your home, and it’s not uncommon for that to happen.

When it comes to reliable roof repair and replacement services, you can count on The Great American Roofing Company to address your needs exactly. To get a free roof repair estimate, you can reach us by calling (201) 825-2955 or filling out our convenient online contact form. Talk to us today!