
Helpful Tips for Navigating Your Roof Insurance Claim

It is a good idea to file a roof insurance claim with your insurer, especially if the damage is a result of external factors that are out of your control like harsh weather. However, doing so can be a lot trickier than it seems. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make this faster and easier to deal with.

Today, The Great American Roofing Company, a leading contractor specializing in residential and commercial roof repair, provides some helpful tips for navigating your roof insurance claim.

Read All Paperwork

Never make the mistake of keeping important paperwork and bringing it out only when there’s a certain roof emergency. At the purchase of a home, you must examine the documents related to your roof’s warranty and insurance. Read through everything thoroughly and jot down questions. You need to understand how roof warranties play into your homeowner’s insurance cost.

Document Everything

Be sure to take photos of any signs of roof damage right after a recent storm has ravaged your location. Keep digital files and print copies of them, too, for easy sharing with the insurance company. Having clear images on hand helps bolster your chances of a successful roof insurance claim.

Work With Your Adjuster

As soon as all the necessary documents in your claim are processed, your insurance adjuster will visit your home to evaluate the extent of the roof damage. You might feel intimidated by the adjuster’s presence, but don’t let it stop you from asking questions or voicing out concerns regarding your claim.

Work with a Reliable Roofer

The expertise of a trusted roofing company is paramount for your roof claim. With the pros on your side, you can get your roof restored to its original condition before the storm occurs. They’ll also guide you in every step of the claims process.

Turn to The Great American Roofing Company for assistance with your roof insurance claim. We represent your interests during the insurance inspection process, and once the claim is approved, we will conduct the roofing work professionally and efficiently.

Learn more about your roof replacement cost today. Call (201) 825-2955 or fill out our form to request a free quote.