
A Different Kind of Patriotism: Buying U.S.-Made Products

With Independence Day celebrations fast approaching, Americans are getting ready to show their national pride. There are more impactful ways to show your patriotism and one of them is buying American-made products.

A Different Kind of Patriotism: Buying U.S.-Made Products

The Great American Roofing Company, a top roof repair contractor in the state, makes a case for buying locally made products below.

Supports the Local Economy

Whenever you buy an American-made product, you’re helping small and medium businesses create local jobs and reduce unemployment. This feeds into a positive economic and envriormental loop.

As more people buy American-made projects, including roof replacement, demand increases. Demand prompts small businesses and large businesses alike to produce more products and hire more people. This, in turn, ensures money is pumped right back into the local economy, boosting consumer sentiment.

Helps the Environment

Apart from helping prop up the local economy, buying locally made goods can also help reduce the nation’s carbon footprint. It’s our job as American citizens and members of the current generation to ensure the next generation will get to experience the natural wonders of this great country.

It also helps that US-based factories are subject to strict environmental guidelines set by the EPA. This means their waste products are disposed of properly.

And if you want to make an immediate impact on the environment and the local economy, consider buying construction materials from American companies. The home improvement industry comprises a sizable chunk of the economy, with the majority of contractors being family-owned.

You can make an even bigger difference by buying roofing products from American companies with recycling programs the next time you need to fix a roof leak. Such a contribution to the environment would also be significant, considering construction waste accounts for a big chunk of the waste that ends up in landfills every year.

The Great American Roofing Company is a family-owned contractor with a GAF Master Elite® certification and over four decades’ worth of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of roofing services, including roof replacement and repair services. To get a free quote, call us at (201) 515-2007 or fill out this form.